March 22, 2012

FML? More like LML!

Where to start...

Oh yea...JOB. ME. BOOM.

But before I get ahead of myself, let me update you on the last month (month? about blog slacking). Too much has happened to fully update you so I'm going to make it quick and dirty:

- Tahoe virginity taken including a phenomenal 80's prom dance party complete with linebacker shoulder pads and side pony tails.

- Napa. Twice. Why not?

- New friends! (Read: I haven't managed to scare them away yet and yes, this means I've been on my best, most un-awkward behavior - it does exist, folks.)
- I've become an expert at interviewing. Really. If you need any tips, I'm your gal.
- New roomie! Her name is Kelly and she's pretty bomb.
- DJ and Julie left on their 6 month world adventure. Good riddance. (Just kidding - miss you guys!)
- Had a few visitors - Laura and my ma and have a few more on the books! I love showing off this sensational city.
- Speaking of which, I have entered a full on love affair with San Francisco. I can't quit you (nor would I want to try!)
- Jumped on the iPhone train and will NOT be getting off anytime soon.
- I cut my hair. Bangs making their triumphant return. We'll see how long these last.

Life is great and I wake up every morning counting my blessings and feeling SO fortunate to be at this junction in my life. I hope I don't offend any of my Seattle friends when I say that moving has absolutely been one of the best decisions I have made. Of course, I miss certain things about Seattle, but making that leap to push past my comfort zone and leap into the unknown has paid off in leaps and bounds. I can't even begin to tell you how much the phrase: "everything happens for a reason" rings true!

After interviewing like a crazy woman and job hunting for MONTHS, I finally landed a DREAM opportunity and I keep pinching myself to make sure this is real. I'll be starting at Dropbox on Tuesday as part of their Office Team. The Office Team basically makes sure the office is they plan events, coordinate logistics, make sure people are happy...all things I love doing!

You can read more about Dropbox here:

They have an awesome reputation in the Bay area and are growing like CRAZY. I'm SO lucky to be getting in right now and everyone who works there is young and awesome - I just accepted the offer officially an hour or two ago and I've already gotten about 6 emails from my new coworkers welcoming me to the team and telling me how excited they are that I'm joining!

Anyway, enough gushing. Let's talk about last night.

After hearing that Dropbox would be offering me a position, Kira and I decided to celebrate with a little sushi dinner. After splitting a couple rolls, we decided to hit up a little art gallery to check out a painting of one of Kira's friends that was on display. After scouring the streets for parking for far too long (a norm in SF), we landed a sweet spot and went on our merry way to the gallery.

Upon opening the door, we found ourselves in a relatively small space with about 10 people sitting around a table all drawing with emo music pulsing quietly in the background. After exchanging awkward pleasantries, Kira and I proceeded to act appropriately engrossed in the 10-15 paintings that lined the small space, all the while trying not to trip over the various bags and art supplies being utilized by the drawing party.

We were about to bow out gracefully when one of the artists asked if we would like to join them. Being accomplished artists ourselves, we simply HAD to take them up on their offer and pulled up a couple chairs. (By the way, I realize there's no sarcasm font, so let's just keep in mind that that last sentence was rich in sarcasm. I'm terrible at drawing.)

Kira decided it would be a good time to draw my face and proceeded to do so while I played on my cell phone (in a highly sophisticated way, of course) and talked about football - sidenote: turns out the art community isn't necessarily the biggest football fans as most of my commentary was met with blank stares. Who knew?

I present to you, "Natalie" by Ms. Kira Detko:

Not sure how I feel about this one.

A good twenty minutes later, we parted company with our new BFF artist friends with promises to return to the next drawing party two Wednesday from now.

Probably not going to happen.

Just another typical night in San Francisco.